Huwebes, Hunyo 18, 2015

After 30 Years, Ex Couple Sees Each Other Again for the First Time - Their Epic Reactions Will Give You Chills!

In an art show, the artist sees her former partner for the first time after 30 years of separation from him. 

Marina and Ulay, her partner, had a relationship just like any other couple. They fell in love at first, but as years went by, the feeling just was not the same anymore. They then decided to go their separate ways. But unlike any breakup, their separation was very strange, in a good way, of course--they proceeded to the ends of the Great Wall of China, each one beginning at the opposite side. They then proceeded to walk forward until they met somewhere at one point in the middle. Upon reaching that point, they hugged each other and then parted ways. This was the last time they saw each other. 

Thirty years later, Marina organized a live art performance. In this art show, she sat on a chair which would allow her to spend moments of silence with random strangers. In this setup, she sat on a chair, and across her was a table and an empty chair on which a stranger would be able to sit.

A manifold of strangers sat across Marina. They sat in silence during which they stared at each other in silence. After staring at a stranger, Marina would close her eyes until another stranger comes to sit across her. 

Suddenly, her former partner sat across her. When Marina opened her eyes, she could not hold back her tears. They sat across each other in silence, but the moment and the feeling of it was so intense that one is overwhelmed at such a sight. This was the first time they saw each other in thirty years. 

After his turn, Ulay got up and went ahead. Marina wiped the tears away from her eyes and then proceeded with the art show.

Watch this video now!

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"Ex-couple saw each other again after 30 years - their priceless reaction will captivate your heart!" Online. Internet. Available URL:

Video courtesy of youtube. Available URL:

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