Huwebes, Hunyo 18, 2015

After 30 Years, Ex Couple Sees Each Other Again for the First Time - Their Epic Reactions Will Give You Chills!

In an art show, the artist sees her former partner for the first time after 30 years of separation from him. 

Marina and Ulay, her partner, had a relationship just like any other couple. They fell in love at first, but as years went by, the feeling just was not the same anymore. They then decided to go their separate ways. But unlike any breakup, their separation was very strange, in a good way, of course--they proceeded to the ends of the Great Wall of China, each one beginning at the opposite side. They then proceeded to walk forward until they met somewhere at one point in the middle. Upon reaching that point, they hugged each other and then parted ways. This was the last time they saw each other. 

Thirty years later, Marina organized a live art performance. In this art show, she sat on a chair which would allow her to spend moments of silence with random strangers. In this setup, she sat on a chair, and across her was a table and an empty chair on which a stranger would be able to sit.

A manifold of strangers sat across Marina. They sat in silence during which they stared at each other in silence. After staring at a stranger, Marina would close her eyes until another stranger comes to sit across her. 

Suddenly, her former partner sat across her. When Marina opened her eyes, she could not hold back her tears. They sat across each other in silence, but the moment and the feeling of it was so intense that one is overwhelmed at such a sight. This was the first time they saw each other in thirty years. 

After his turn, Ulay got up and went ahead. Marina wiped the tears away from her eyes and then proceeded with the art show.

Watch this video now!

Were you moved by this video? Share with us your thoughts by posting them in the comments section. 


"Ex-couple saw each other again after 30 years - their priceless reaction will captivate your heart!" Online. Internet. Available URL:

Video courtesy of youtube. Available URL:

Miyerkules, Hunyo 17, 2015

The Unresolved Case of Pepsi Paloma - What Happened to this Popular 80's Celebrity?

Pepsi Paloma was a popular actress in the early 1980s and was allegedly raped by Vic Sotto, Joey De Leon, and Richie D'Horsie. 

Do you remember Pepsi Paloma? Every wondered what happened to her?

Pepsi Paloma was one of the most popular and most sought "starlets" of the early 1980s. In real life, she was Delia Smith, the eldest daughter of Lydia Duenas and Kenneth Smith. Lydia was a native of Borac, Northern Samar, while Kenneth was an American letter courier. At an early age, Delia, along with her other sibligngs, was abandoned by their father.

Having seen the potential of her then young daughter, Lydia introduced Delia to Rey dela Cruz, a talent manager known for discovering and managing the "soft drink beauties." Impressed with Delia's appearance and her potential as a media personality, dela Cruz did not hesitate to take Delia under his wing. From there, Delia's name was changed to "Pepsi Paloma" and she then became a part of the so-called "soft drink beauties" alongside Sarsi Emmanuel and Cola Nicolas.  

Pepsi was welcomed warmly by the viewing public when her debut "bold" film, "Brown Emmanuelle" was released in 1981. She was less than 18 years old, thus a minor, when this film was released. 

According to her own account, less than a year after the release of "Brown Emmanuelle, Pepsi met Vic Sotto, Joey de Leon, and Richie D'Horsey (Richie Reyes, in real life), the three (3) mainstay hosts of the popular noontime show, "Eat Bulaga." She was later taken by them out to a bar where, she claimed, she had been drugged and then dragged into a hotel room. From there, she was gang-raped by the three (3) comedians. 

Because of the incident, Pepsi filed a case against the three (3) comedians. She approached then Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile, who, in turn, referred her to Atty. Rene Cayetano, who was then a senior partner in the ACCRA Law Firm. (The late Atty. Rene Cayetano is a former Senator of the Philippines and the father of incumbent Senators Pia and Alan Peter Cayetano.) Atty. Rene Cayetano agreed to take Pepsi's case pro bono (or for free). 

Having raped a minor, the three (3) comedians were charged with statutory rape. If convicted, they were at risk of suffering the penalty of death pursuant to the Revised Penal Code. 

Since the memory of the execution of the convicted rapists of Maggie dela Riva was still fresh in the Filipino's consciousness and memories, this allegedly prompted [the now Senator] Tito Sotto to come to his younger brother's (Vic) aid and to approach Pepsi in order to convince the latter to drop the charges against the three (3). 

According to Pepsi's account of Tito's visit, Tito "coerced" her into signing a prepared "Affidavit of Desistance" so as to allow the dropping of the complaint against the three (3) comedians. This was done by Tito by allegedly placing a pistol on top of the table while he talked to Pepsi. (It should be noted that the legality of this affidavit is still questioned by legal luminaries and experts since at the time when Pepsi allegedly signed the said document, she was still a minor and that she signed it without the presence of her parents and/or lawyer. Regardless, because of their immense popularity, the Sottos were allegedly on the good side of then President Ferdinand Marcos.)

Owing to the Affidavit of Desistance allegedly signed by Pepsi, all criminal charges were dropped against the comedians. For their part, the three (3) comedians, Vic, Joey, and Richie, knelt on live television while on their show "Eat Bulaga!" and publicly apologized for the Pepsi incident. 

On May 31, 1985, three (3) years after the fateful incident, Pepsi was found lifeless in her apartment. According to witnesses, her neck was wrapped with a rope at the time she was found. This lead the police to conclude, along with other "witness" accounts, that she committed suicide allegedly owing to financial problems (or, at least, this was what was told in the newspapers). 

To this day, however, her manager Babette Corcuerra, disputes the truthfulness of the media accounts. According to Corcuerra, it was impossible that Pepsi had financial woes so as to compel her to take her own life considering that "she was earning well" and that she was "fully booked for dance performances." Aside from these gigs, Pepsi just concluded the "Pepsi Paloma Show" in a manifold of beerhouses in Metro Manila. She also had three lined up film offers from various producers. 

Corcuerra's claims put into new light the case of Pepsi Paloma. Speculations of murder began to surface. 

In an unaired interview on ABS-CBN, Kit Mateo, a self-confessed hitman, intimated that it was he who murdered Pepsi. Kit already passed away, thus bringing into obscurity any semblance of a chance of knowing the truth regarding the death of Pepsi Paloma.

Watch this video below!

Pepsi's case remains unsolved to this day. 
Tito Sotto is now a member of the Senate of the Philippines.
Vic and Joey are still on "Eat Bulaga!" and more popular than ever. 
Richie D'Horsie passed away earlier this year (2015). 

Rodis, Rodel. "The Rape of Pepsi Paloma." The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Online. Internet. 2014. Available URL:

Video courtesy of youtube. Available URL:

Martes, Hunyo 16, 2015

Working Abroad for a Decade, He Returned - His Mom Didn't Recognize Him - This will make you cry!

Mother fails to recognize son upon his arrival after working abroad for 11 years. Everyone was moved by this video. Watch this and find out why. 

SEARCH DESC.: After working abroad for 11 years, a son arrives home to his mother. However, his mother fails to recognize him.

A video posted on Youtube has gone viral since the time it was posted. It involves the story of an OFW and his mother. 

The video entitled "Kay Inay," was posted with the goal of showcasing a tribute to all the mothers on Mother's Day. In the said video, a man has been working abroad for more than a decade just so he can finance his mother's medical needs. His mother, back in the Philippines, was suffering from "Alzheimer's Disease." 

The man was heartbroken after seeing his mother for the first time in more than a decade. Unfortunately for him, his mother did not recognize him. This affected him deeply. He then decided to stay with his mother in order to take care of him. This entailed resignation from his job abroad. 

As shown in the video, the man took care of his mother. During such a time, he remembered all the kind deeds that his mother did for him throughout the years. From there, he realized the unconditional love that his mother had for him. 

The most moving part of the video was its climax. The man started to sing the lullaby that his mother used to sing for him when he was much younger. While seated beside him, his mother suddenly turns and faces him. Thereafter, his mother recognized him. 

The video is, indeed, a touching tribute for all mothers. May we always never fail to realize a mother's unconditional love. 

Did you find the video touching? Share your thoughts with us by posting them on the comment section. 


Video courtesy of youtube. Available URL:

Lunes, Hunyo 15, 2015

This Dog's Loyalty Can't Be Matched - This Will Definitely Move You! Find out the Reason Why!

Dog shows loyalty to his owner by following him after the latter has been rushed to the hospital.

They say "dogs are a man's best friend." This saying was put into action by the dog in this story. 

In a video uploaded on youtube, it can be seen how a dog showed immense loyalty to his owner. He has served as his owner's personal alarm clock, his movie companion, his day-to-day companion, and most importantly, his bestfriend. 

The touching part of the video is also its tragedy. The dog owner suddenly falls ill while watching some films. He was then rushed to the hospital. While his owner was in the ambulance, the dog tirelessly followed the said ambulance until it reached the hospital. From there, he waited patiently until his owner came out. 

As time passed by, the dog waited uncessantly for the owner but the latter has not come out of the hospital still. Then one day, a woman, who was on a wheelchair, comes out of the hospital and suddenly, the dog rushed to her--feeling excited than ever before. 

It was then revealed that the woman on the wheelchair was the donee of the dog owner's heart. Turns out that the dog owner became an organ donor. 

This video exhibits the immense and powerful relationship that can be shared between a dog and his bestfriend-owner. 

Were you moved to tears by this video? Share your thoughts with us by posting them on the comments section. 


Video courtesy of youtube. Available URL:

Biyernes, Hunyo 12, 2015

This 113 Year Old Man Shares His 5 Food Secrets for Long Life!

Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and physical fitness exercises - these are just some of the things one need to do in order to achieve a peaceful, healthy, long life according to medical and fitness experts. But this man defied all odds and fended off illnesses for 113 years now! Want to know his secret? Read on.

Meet Bernardo Lapallo. Bernardo is already 113 years old. He was born in 1901. A lot of people envy him for his long life. It took him discipline and hard work, as he declares he wasn't sick even for once in his entire life.

Because of that, a lot of people are hoping to know his secrets. For one, his healthy diet doesn't include red meat. He is also fond of organic food. That is also the reason why his favorite ingredients in his recipes are honey, garlic, olive oil and cinnamon.

Medical experts would agree to the fact that these natural foods and ingredients can really make one grown healthy. According to Lapallo, he learned his secret recipe for long life from his father who was a physician back in the days. 

The video below will take you to a sneak peek of 5 Food Secrets for Long Life he declared in an interview! Check it out.
Other included sources linked in Healthy Life Tricks’s article: – Original Article Source

Huwebes, Hunyo 11, 2015

Snake Man in Robinson's Galleria - The Truth Behind It: Is it Real?

Universities, schools and malls are frequented by people every day. You have probably heard about the mysteries and myths in different establishments in the country. One of the most common of which is the Snake Man from Robinson's Galleria. If you want to find out the truth behind it... read on!

According to the story of the those who formerly has jobs in engineering department of the Robinson's Galleria, the story is true. While there are no concrete evidences and solid statements released about the myth of the Snake Man, a lot of people got scared and believed that it is real.

One account tells us that the snake man has access to all the mall's CCTV cameras which he uses to spy on beautiful women. When she finds one that he likes, he'll flip a switch accessing all the fitting rooms inside the mall and a hole will slide the women down at him at the basement of the mall.

The popular myth got discussed even further when Miss International-Philippines 1986, Alice Dixson got involved in the story. According to rumors, she was once a victim of the said Snake Man from Robinson's Galleria. But, she was offered money not to divulge anything about the experience.

Watch the video below!

When asked about it, she said:
"I have no idea who started this incredible story, but I have to tell you that some people believed it and even started staring at my legs to see if there were any signs of snake skin. A few people still ask me about it, and I have to tell them na naging handbag na ho sa Robinsons Department Store. Thank goodness there was no Internet yet at that time, or you would start receiving photos of me with a snake's body and my kakambal na snake with a woman's legs!"
Still, not a lot of people were convinced with her statement - and many still believe that the Snake Man creature at the mall's basement is true.
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